I have always wanted to fly fish, so when Mike brought it up, I made sure we were going to go no matter how cold it was. Luckily, Saturday was fairly nice weather so we packed up and headed about an hour away to Maryland to fish at Gunstock (Park?). Fly fishing is a bit harder than it seems, but between Eagle, Mike, and Dave, I seemed to pick up the basics. Ex fly-fishing guide, Eagle, was the only one who caught any fish - he caught three!

Mike and Mike (aka Eagle) practing their technique

Enjoying the quiet. That buldge in the front of my waders is a Diet Pepsi, not my belly. I'm not that fat (yet!).

Dave (aka Jesus) enjoying the quiet as well. He can actually walk on water and summon the fish to rise, but he didn't want to show us up.

Eagle with one of the three fish he caught.
Mike and Mike getting the rods ready.