Ok, so this really has nothing to do with me at all, but I thought it might be fun to post some pictures of my little sister's Christmas out in Utah. We had the entire (Mark) Sturgis family out to Utah last Christmas, which was a blast, but this Christmas, Emily and Jared played host to Jared's brother's family from San Francisco. Does that all make sense? Oh well, here are some random pictures from their Christmas since many of you know my little sister from either BYU days or from Methuen. (Em, I hope you don't mind me taking these pics from your blog!)

Em and Jared at an archery range. What a fun activity! I need to look into that around Boston.

Em's first try.

Jared's first try.

Emily and her sister-in-law, Kim.

Emily and her niece, Marlo.

The famous Sturgis "bomb" cookies. For as long as I can remember, my sisters and mom have always made these cookies around the holidays. Awesome cookies!
Em got a subscription to Domino Magazine. Am I suppossed to know what this is? Apparently, she was thrilled about it.
Snowshoeing. I miss those Rocky Mountains of Utah. Oh yeah, I miss Em and Jared, too.
We missed you to brozack! Someone mentioned Sturgis cruise for next Christmas. Sounds good to me!
Hey, I must be logged in under Jared's blogger name. This is Emily.
And you didn't come visit me.... :(
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