I had been to LA once before when I was 19 - right before my 2 year mission to Japan, so to see LA again was long overdue. If my memory served me correctly, I wasn't a big fan of LA when I first visited there back in 1998. One of the few images I still see in my memory bank was driving down from La Crescenta and seeing a nasty smog-cloud over the city.
Unfortunately this more recent trip to LA didn't change my perception of LA much. Don't get me wrong, it's a great city with lots to offer and plenty to see, but I personally have no desire to ever life there. The constant traffic everywhere by itself would keep me from ever living out there. San Diego is another story...
Ok, enough of me bashing LA...
Gabby and I pretty much played by ear when deciding what to do. Ultimately our list ended up consisting of a trip to Disneyland, watching a Lakers basketball game, visiting the Le Brea Tar Pit and Museum (did you know much of LA used to be covered in tar!!!), walking around the Farmer's Market, meeting up with some of Gabby's friends in Santa Monica, attending a funeral (of Gabby's Aunt), and other little excursions. We also spent a few day's at Gabby's childhood home in Huntington Beach where I got to meet her parents again.
All in all it was a great trip despite hitting traffic EVERYWHERE we went no matter what time of day it was. Gabby played a great host and perfect tour guide!
Here are some pictures in no particular order.
Gabby and I right before the Lakers game.
At Farmer's Market


Gabby insisted that I get my picture taken in front of the princess castle. I'm surprised she stopped laughing long enough to take this picture.
Lakers game.
To infinity and beyond! I think one of the funnest parts of Disneyland was simply seeing how happy some of the kids were just to be there. Disneyland is like crack for children!
Standing outside the Staples Center right before the Lakers game.
At the La Brea Tar Pit and Museum.

Farmers Market.
Rose Bowl.
Looks like fun! Jealous. I want a vacation...
Chris! Sorry about all the traffic. I couldn't believe that even after midnight there was traffic, on the weekends... again, traffic! But despite all the traffic, I really enjoyed you being out here.
<3 Gabby
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