Some pics for you!
Maya and her happy hands!
Maya and Mike enjoying the ducks
Annie and Maya
Maya with my cousin Jodi's kids, Ethan and Aaron in New Hampshire
Maya and mommy
Mom and Annie kissing Maya before their trips to Japan and back to SLC
Maya enjoying some father/daugher time
Elaine and Maya
Me and Maya at NOT YOUR AVERAGE JOE'S in Methuen
Mike enjoying the fish tank at LL Bean in Maine. Maya, not so much.
Me and Maya.
Maya trying to steal some playing time from her Daddy
Grampa Mark (my dad) and Maya
Annie and one of her best friend's, Kim, from Connecticut.
Annie, Maya, and Grampa Mark.
I wish I could have been home with all you guys :( What lake were you at?
I have no idea what lake that was. Ask Elaine - I wasn't there.
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