While I took an earlier trip to Japan at the beginning of August, my three sisters (and their families) visited Japan in September when the weather would be slightly cooler and things wouldn't be so hectic at my grandfather's place. Originally, I was planning on going with my sisters, but after being asked to play tour guide a few months back, I decided to go a few weeks early, thus missing a rare opportunity to get the entire family together. My trip was more of the touristy/travel stuff, but I my sisters' trip was more family focused, although they did do their share of sightseeing as well.
Even though I was not there for this particular set of adventures, I thought it would be nice to share some photos of their excursions in Japan was well as general family time photos. Plus, I'm always looking for reasons to post pictures of my cute nieces, Maya and Lucy. Most of these pictures were taken directly from Elaine's blog, so I apologize if they are heavy towards the Elaine, Mike, and Maya.
Pictures, in no particular order:

Emily and Jared

Proud mothers: Elaine with Maya, Annie with Lucy.

Walking down the street in the little village of Nozumi.


Elaine and Maya chatting through Skype with Dada (Mike) before he flew to Japan to meet up with them.

Where my parents are staying, my grandfather has one car. Since alot of the family would be in town for a few weeks, my grandfather bought another car for my parents so it would be easier to haul everyone around. Definitely not the biggest car on the lot, apparently.

My two nieces, Mayumi and Lucy.

Ojii-chan (My grandfather) in one of his rare trips outside the house these days.

(My) mom and baby Lucy.
Part of the Sturgis clan trying to find their way around Tokyo.

The Dayton Family (Annie, Brandon, and Lucy) on the Shinkansen on their way to visit my mom and dad.

My mom and Maya.

Forget the shrine, check out these pebbles!
Maya has a fascination with fish!

Maya at the fish market.
My mom cutting up some sashimi. Believe it or not, all three of my brother's in law love sushi and sashimi! Surprisingly, my mom who is 100% japanese doesn't like either one of them.
Maya helping Aunt Emily perpare dinner.

Lucy on the beach with Uncle Jared and Maya in the background.

Uncle Jared and Maya.

My dad teaches english part-time at a nearby high school and brought Elaine, Mike, and Maya in for a day. Here, Maya and Mike pass time in calligraphy class.

Proud mother Annie with Lucy.

When my dad brought Maya around the school, she was treated like celebrity. It's not too often you see a cute baby with blond hair and blue eyes in your school.

Maya tending to the gravesite of my grandmother who passed away some 11 years ago.

Great-grandfather and great-grand-daughter.