Jen (Bates) Salisbury:
You are the salt of the earth. I loved that we had almost all of our major classes together at BYU. I can't even begin to thank you for all the times that you helped me with projects. I never quite undestood how you had such a gift for picking up all those programs so well. I loved seeing your work and can't believe some of the stuff that you've showed me in the past. You are more talented than I will ever be. You are also one of the most caring and selfless people I have ever met - qualities that I'll forever be working on. You never had unkind things to say about anyone, despite having been through some rough times earlier in your life. You were often soft-spoken, but we definitely had some good hard laughs together over the years! I loved hanging with you and Christina, Emily, Chantelle, Kimball, and all, as we did whatever we did. I can't believe you are so far away in California! I need to come visit soon.

Emily (Hess) Flinders:
Every once in a while you see a girl that gets married and they just seem to have a different glow about them. It's hard to explain, but you can almost see it even through pictures. You totally have this 'glow' ever since you got married to Ren. You were always well-spoken, like you were speaking for a purpose. You tought me some big words, without ever knowing it. Whenever I think about college classes with you, I remember countless times sitting next to you and you falling asleep within minutes of class starting. How you kept your insane schedule all those years is beyond me! I envied your work habits and don't know how you worked at those nights in that KBYU studio! It was great living together at Liberty Square and being in the same ward. I admire your homemaking skills (that you must've acquired since getting married!).

Em, you might have actually stayed awake for this class!
Christina (Lyons) Cline:
Again, it was great having all those classes with you. Like Emily, you seemed to just roll with the punches and never really got flustered despite crazy work schedules. I still don't know how you, Emily, Chantelle, and Kimball dragged me into the SFA executive committee my last 2 years, but it was fun. I still haven't seem the final cut of TOKOLOSHI, by the way. Who has that anyway? I never got a chance to meet your husband, but I'm sure he's a good man! Stay in touch!

The TMA girls!
Kea Kagawa:
I can't even being to tell you how fun it was to see you again a few months back in AZ and to finally meet your husband. You must be the only person I know that looks better as you get older! Your laugh and smile are infectious! Thanks for all those countless nights at BYU when we hung out and just talked. I always seemed to have something or someone to complain about, or some stupid relationship to vent about, but you are one of the best listeners and never sugar-coated anything for me. You always told it like it was whether I wanted to hear it or not. How fun was that year when I was in the "red brick house' with Kau, Kelii, Mike, and Morgan and you were literally across the street. I remember just coming over unannounced and knocking on your door to chat. I was really pulling for you guys to move to Arizona, so Troy could come to ASU, but now look at me - I'm in Boston!!!

I can't even being to tell you how fun it was to see you again a few months back in AZ and to finally meet your husband. You must be the only person I know that looks better as you get older! Your laugh and smile are infectious! Thanks for all those countless nights at BYU when we hung out and just talked. I always seemed to have something or someone to complain about, or some stupid relationship to vent about, but you are one of the best listeners and never sugar-coated anything for me. You always told it like it was whether I wanted to hear it or not. How fun was that year when I was in the "red brick house' with Kau, Kelii, Mike, and Morgan and you were literally across the street. I remember just coming over unannounced and knocking on your door to chat. I was really pulling for you guys to move to Arizona, so Troy could come to ASU, but now look at me - I'm in Boston!!!

Kacey Laga:
I'm so happy we got back in touch after all these years. I love reading your blog and love the comments you leave me every once in a while. Your family has unbelievably photogenic pictures on your blog. What a good looking family! I will always remember planning those FHE's together for our FHE family at Liberty Square. I will go down as the least creative FHE planner ever - thanks for bailing me out. We pulled through, though. I cannot remember a single time when you were not smiling. I wish we hung out more than we did. Your hubby is a lucky, lucky, lucky man! (That's right, 3 lucky's in there!) Come visit Boston some day. Brad is out here, too!
Gabby Macias:
Sorry I was such a horrible BF. I know I'm lame and should've asked you countless times to ask you to marry me, but I always thought there was someone better out there for you! I think you might have found him, we'll see! I hope I still get an invite to the wedding out in Cali or where ever it happens. Didn't we make an agreement that we would get married if I was unmarried at 30? Ha, I turn 30 next March! I'm glad that we stayed friend all these years and that we can still talk about our relationships with others without any weird feelings. That weekend in Colorado was fun -everything was fun. Sorry I moved to Arizona - I just had to get out of Provo! I love your family, hope they are all doing well. Tell them hi for me. Thanks for visiting me in AZ last year ( I enjoyed our conversation at Cold Stone Ice Cream, in particular!) and Boston (twice!). Thanks for teaching me the word "frumpy." :)

Remember how cold it was the weekend you came to visit me out in Boston (the first time)! It was kinda funny actually!
Hayley (Young) Laidlaw:
Wow, have I not seen you since your wedding in Cali? Has it been that long? I know I rolled my eyes at you thousands of times at school, but you know that I loved you like a sister, right? I can't believe how much you've grown up! And you're an RM!!! I still can't beleive you went on a mish - I thought for sure you would be one of those crazy BYU freshman girls that got married before their 2nd year. I don't even remember how we became friends, to be honest with you - I just remember being friends. After all those crushes on "halfers" and Hawaiians, I think its great that you ended up marrying Eric, 100% "haole." I hope we become neighbors one day.

I think we took this picture the morning that I went to Chicago.
Hayley, remember this one..when I flew to Boston for the weekend and we took a day trip to Nantucket when you were doing your internship in Cape Cod?
Rayna Condra:
Although I became friends with you in Minnesota and not at BYU, I still consider you one of my closest friends even after just knowing you for the few shorts months I was out there. Duluth will always be our little trip! You will always be the first thing that comes to mind when I hear anything to do with Minnesota or Minneapolis. I'll always remember that little purple Ford truck and hanging out at my apartment in Brooklyn Park. It was great seeing you a few months back on my short layover in Minnesota! I can't believe how much you grew up. You are no longer that young woman anymore. You need to write more blog entires for all to read! By the way, remember those pictures I was telling you about? I found them! I'll scan them and send them to you!

This is "the" picture that I was telling you about along time ago.
Duluth, MN
I miss all you girls a ton! Thanks for staying in touch!
I miss all you girls a ton! Thanks for staying in touch!
Ha! I loved all those old classic pics! I totally forgot about the blond hair! You truly are a great friend and I'm glad we had our BYU days...oh the memories. Don't'll come back to Arizona some day, and when you do...we'll be there :)
I wouldn't say the least creative FHE planner...maybe 2nd worse? Just kidding! You were my first "husband" (FHE husband, that is), so I have fond memories. I have fun memories sitting there in your apartment with you, me, and sometimes Kelii, and hanging out, watching football. I wish we could have spent more time together also. It always seems you never appreciate what you have while in the moment. I'm so glad we have kept in touch. We are hoping to get to Boston sometime, hope to see you!
Wahoo I made the list! I'll have you know I'm was much more functional once I started getting more than 4 hours of sleep a night. Granted, then I became a parent and got all sleep-deprived again. Vicious cycle.
I missed this post somewhere along the line! You are the best:) Thanks for including me...the Boston, Maine/NH, Nantucket trip was a great time.
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