It's official. I have a new addiction. I've always liked golf, but never owned clubs until about 6 years ago when a former boss bought me a set of irons. Since then I've added some other clubs to my bag and tried to play once or twice a year when I was in Utah, Chicago, Arizona, etc. But since being back in Massachusetts I've tried to play more and really learn the game. Fortunately I have a good friend who loves golf as well, so we try (weather permitting) to play every Saturday. Between rain-outs, traveling, and other things that get in the way, I still usually play about twice a month. It still kills me how much it rains out here! Anyways....if you even wonder why I'm not answering my phone on Saturday morning, its probably because I'm doing
alot of this...

My friend Scott.

Scott's Dad.

Scott's dad again. He loves that white sweater!

Ever once in a while Scott's younger brother will tag along too.
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