If you have any travel experience to Japan or any other Asian country for that matter, it will be no surprise that we spotted quite a bit of oddball English wherever we traveled. Sometimes it was t-shirts or clothing, other times it was general signing, but regardless of what we read or where we saw it, it leaves one lasting question...."who the heck proof-reads this stuff?"
Here is a sampling of some of the "engrish" we ran across:

Most of the flashing comes before the flush!

You? What about me?

Naked fames....bad. Clothed flames...ok.

This was a restaurant, by the way.

Do what at the beach? Push ladies off the train platform?
Yeah, don't you know smorking causes rung cancer!
Your comments with the pictures make them even funnier.
Those were hilarious- nice work :)
Haha! Those were hilarious! My sister and I like to go into Japanese town in L.A. and go to this one weird store that has stationary. It always has odd English stuff on it. NONE of it makes any sense, but it's still funny and we buy it anyways!
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