Last week I had a conference in Las Vegas at the Mandalay Bay and decided to look up a friend from the past. I had known Lisa since I was about 5 years old. We went to the same school through high school, but went to different universities afterwards. I had always know Lisa. She was actually my first crush back in the 4th grade at the Howe School! Although it had been at least 10 years or so since high school since we had seen each other, we decided to hang out one night at the Body English club at the Hard Rock Hotel with a few of my co-workers. Catching up with Lisa was a absolute blast! As an encore to her Master's degree in Physics, she is finishing up her law degree at UNLV. I think she needs to transfer some of that ambition over to me.

Chris and Lisa. Scandalous!

Go-go dancer at Body English

Krystle (co-worker) and her new friend!

Krystle and Rei (co-worker) with some completely random stranger.
The DJ at Body English totally looked liked my Brother-in-Law, Jared. See for yourself! Sorry, the video quality is kinda poor.