Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Bienvenido a Miami

Everytime I think of Miami I always remember that Will Smith song, "Welcome to Miami" for some reason. Anyways, a few weekends ago, Carolina and I took a trip down to Ft. Lauderdale/Miami to see some of her family. It was my first trip to Miami - or Florida for that matter. The weather was noticably more humid than Boston, but that was expected. I was only there for two shorts days, but was able to squeeze in some sightseeing down by South Beach, a club in Miami, and good food all mingled together with fun times with Carolina's family.

Hanging out at Sandy's house.

Carolina and I with her dad who was in town from Venezuela.

Carolina and Wendy

This was about 3am!

Carolina and her cousins, Wendy, Sandy, Shirly.


Doing dishes inside Wendy and Rafael's posh downtown Miami condo.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, I read the title to your post and thought, "Dude, that's Will Smith." Excellent.