Monday, June 8, 2009

Summer Projects

I'm not sure where I got the bug to constantly have projects going on, but maybe it's in the back of my mind that there is a slight possibility that my parents could (in theory) come back anytime from Japan, so maybe that is the driving force behind trying to get so much done around the house. The fact of the matter is, I actually love doing these projects, but I also want to make some nice improvements for my parents that will make life easier for them when they do indeed move back.

Beyond a ton of little projects, my current big project is finishing a section of the basement and turning it into a mud room, for lack of a better word. I want to section this part of the basement off from the other section that houses the food storage, washer/dryer, water heater, etc. I'm hoping to add an updated workbench and tool area to this small mud room as well as some bench seating and a closet and shelving for winter jackets, gloves, hats, and such.

So far I haven't made too much progress, but I have been able to get as far as clearing the whole room and sectioning off the area and securing the framing for the drywall which should go up soon. I also plan on adding a few electrical outlets, as there is currently only one on that entire side of the basement. I still haven't decided on what do do with the ceiling yet. Another drop ceiling maybe?

Here are some "before" pictures. I'm hoping to have some "after" pictures within a month or so. Don't hold your breath!

I already replaced the old door which offered little insulation and replaced it with a new, more efficient door. I also had the lock re-keyed on this door so now the front door and this door opens with the same key. I can't believe I never thought of that earlier!

I still have alot of drywall to do (as you can see!) as well as installing some shelving.

As for project #2 this summer, I'm hoping to build a shed in the back yard to free up some much needed space in the garage, so I can park my truck there during the winter months. I've been searching for shed plans for some time now and came across this - my favorite design so far:
This will be a big project, but I think I can do it, or something similar to it. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

MamaM said...

Zero thoughts on the shed. Sorry. Asking the wrong person.