Thursday, January 29, 2009

ID Me!

With winter going nowhere soon out here, I've taken the opportunity to do some inside cleaning projects. I never thought I'd live in Methuen again anytime soon, but living back in my childhood home gave me the opportunity to rummage through some of my old stuff from yesteryear. I've scrounged up some of my ID's from over the past few years. I'm getting old quick!

I still remember the day I got my license. I was a junior in high school, playing football, and this picture was taken on a Friday afternoon right before we played Haverhill High School. I'm actually wearing my white football jearsey, as was tradition on game days.

This was a alien resident card when I was living in Japan, 1998-2000. We were told to always have this on us, but I don't remember ever having to show it to anyone.

One of may BYU IDs I had. I think I lost about a half dozen or so. You had to be completely shaved before they took your picture. What other school do they make you shave your facial hair daily!?!

My AZ license. Gotta love the expiration date. Their licenses are good for 40 years!!!

My current license. For some reason it still have my high school height on it - they never even asked me my height or weight.

I don't know where my UTAH drivers license is.


jgodsey said...

now i'm depressed, i have shoes older than you 8(

MamaD said...

Hey - you're pretty photogenic in all your IDs. Where is your passport?

Eric and Hayley said...

I love that you look even younger in your AZ pic than the BYU one!

Anonymous said...

I like Japanese ID... thanks!

j cubed said...

You are such a good lookin' guy! I miss you!