Sunday, May 11, 2008

Backyard Progress

Although this weekend included a night out and a baseball game, I still had time to do some work on what has been seeming like an endless project. I decided to do flagstone for the walkways in the backyard after seeing it a friend's house (I'm completely unoriginal and steal all my ideas!) The flagstone was only about $7 at Home Depot, but extremely heavy. After laying it all in place, I seem to be short a few pavers. I also got 8 bags of cement and poured a slab for my grill. (I wanted to move the grill out from under the patio, so my friggin smoke alarm won't go off everytime I opened my sliding glass door when I was grilling.) I also cemented some sheperds hooks into the ground as well and hope to buy some hanging plants in the next week or so. I also swept some special cement-sand into the cracks beteeen the patio pavers and watered it, locking it in place. Hopefully my patio will stay in place.

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